Bracing for Fed Week

The odds of the Fed actually changing rates next week are low.   But that doesn’t mean the markets won’t be doing some hedging just in case.

While doing so, we have our eyes on a bank going banko and wonder how next weekend employment reports will sail, as well.

Mainly, we’re hoping for a quiet few weeks and a rally ahead of Memorial Day.  But the market dynamics, pending action in “the several wars” and a mixed public mood are just the right soil confusion over future to take root and grow in.

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The Old Man’s Pain Book

Something more useful than market charts and insights today,  We do a once-over on pain.  The kind of aches and such that come with aging.  Because, well, with any luck anyway, we’re all going to do lots of aging.

If the world doesn’t blow up first.

First, though, a few of the more interesting (and potentially financially-impacting) of the headlines overnight.  Plus, the usual in our ChartPack series where we look at financial markets in a most unusual way.

Plan on two cups worth; the pain part alone is north of six-thousand words (about a book chapter worth).

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Blended Reality

We have word today that the present general human model of death and the Afterlife may be seriously antiquated.  It’s a notion that had never struck me until one of my rare, but highly educational “Lucid Dreams” overnight.

Without telling all, let’s just say that the present model of “What happens when people die” lacks a key “missing ingredient.


See, tech isn’t only the specifics of how code, metallurgy, or electronics work.  Tech is an all-pervasive mindset.  A Way of Being that most people aren’t even aware they’ve been imprinted with.

Yet when you watch people recount their Near Death Experiences on YouTube, for example, you’ll never hear anything related to the “technology over There.”

Instead, you might hear about a hall of Akashic Records.  Most will fail to grasp or notice the obvious: Why “books?”  And “What language were these in?” Or more on track with the carryout from the overnight Lucid adventure “You still on books? What about streaming and….

Almost as interesting is the story of “The Project” in that Realm… but first a few headlines and, oh yeah, we didn’t go short over the weekend.

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Pathways to New Future

What humans have been doing so far has not worked out especially well.  Sure, we have 8-billion people.  Which – and this is a hard one to conceptualize – is 40-times larger than it was in Jesus’ time; people numbered only 200-million back then.

Even so, mankind was even then territorial, fighting wars, and using religious fervor to “out-screw” other religions. Because the main tactic of humans seems to be out-populate, assimilate, or assassinate.  In whatever order is convenient.

Mainly through (crappy, alright) choices, though we have longer spears now, the goals are relatively unchanged.  Put the “other guy’s population in chains” and have them work the fields, pay the taxes, and our birthright to violence has made it so.

It occurs to us, however, that with a modest application of teoriya resheniya izobretatelskikh zadach, TRIZ, we can indeed come up with alternative ways of being in Life that may save us from what is largely a psychosexual penchant for violence.

On the path today? Three items which may be of nearly universal interest.

The first is a new Solar Power paradigm.  See this is a novel cost-reduction strategy for power systems which has not been fully-realized yet.

Then we present a short discussion of changes to our prepping plans – aspects you may not have focused on IF the ugly reality of nuclear weapons use become real. As it is very much threatening to this year. Call this PRP – Personal Recovery Plans.

This is part of our ongoing effort to invent new ideas (like that Music of Markets concept) that could change the way we absorb information.

Then to wrap up, some headwork on what it’s really liked to have new “extra sensory perceptions.”  Not as hard to develop as you might think.  Extended Human Perception may be as simple as training ourselves to “open up” to other sensory channels. And testing our “off buttons” frequently.

OK, so a wide-ranging discussion list this morning. Best get to work after a few headlines and a mess of charts…

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